Environmental Management in the 21st Century


"Environmental Management in 21st Century" is about coordinating environmental efforts - investigating problems, developing solutions, and working in multi-disciplinary teams - to address the environmental crises that are plaguing the world. This includes numerous areas, from global warming to deforestation, soil erosion to landfills.

This course offers the knowledge and skills required by National governments, local authorities, industrial companies, commercial enterprises, conservation agencies as well as environmental consultancies.


  • To understand environmental management system (EMS) definitions, concepts, and guidelines and requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.
  • To understand the stages of EMS implementation, learn best practice techniques, apply environmental-management principles to achieve continual improvement in an organization.
  • To provide a basic understanding of various tools and techniques such as life cycle assessment, environmental audits, evaluation of environmental performance for environmental decision-making.

Program Outline

  1. Global Environmental Issues, Solutions and Skills
  2. Environmental Management and Auditing
  3. Environmental Law
  4. Clean Energy, Climate and Carbon
  5. Environmental Monitoring
  6. Pollution Control & Modelling
  7. Contaminated Land
  8. Ecological Management and Assessment
  9. Environmental Impact Assessment
  10. Regulation, Monitoring & Assessment of Water Pollution
  11. Question and Answer Session

Program Duration

10 Days (2 weeks)

Request Proposal

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