A top-level inspection team consisting of 4 senior officials from the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh visited Easycs Training from the 30th January, 2012 to 2nd February 2012 to review the arrangements of the upcoming program "Strengthening Government Through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh."
During their visit the group met the program director for Malaysia counterpart Mr. Md Feroz Abu Naser, advisor Dr. Azman Ferdous and other team members of the project. The 1st instance of month-long training program has been scheduled to be commenced from the 5th March 2012.
The inaugaration ceremony of the training program "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 5th March, 2012.
YBhg. Dato' Ir. Dr. Radin Umar Radin Sohadi - Vice Chancellor of UPM inaugurate the program in the presence of Mr. Abdus Sobhan Sikder - the Senior Secretary of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman - High Commissioner of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, and Prof. Dr. Arfah Salleh - Dean of The Graduate School of Management (UPM).
The official open-ing ceremony for the 2nd batch of the training prog-ram "Strengthen-ing Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 12th March, 2012.
Dr. Arfah Salleh - Dean of The Graduate School of Management (GSM), University Putra Malaysia (UPM), inaugurated the training program at the university in the presence of participants, officials of Easycs Training, and other faculty members.
Easycs Sdn Bhd (ESB) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with AKR Technology Bangla-desh to collaborate in the fields of software solutions and training. Mr. Feroz Abu Naser, CEO of Easycs Sdn Bhd and Mr Ayub Hossain Uzzal, CEO of AKR Technology signed the MOU.
The memorandum was signed on the 18th April 2012 at the De Palma Hotel, Ampang.
The opening cere-mony for the 3rd batch of the training program "Strengthening Go-vernment through Capacity Develop-ment of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 23rd April, 2012. Mr. Masud Ahmed - Member, SEI Devision, Planning Commission, Dhaka was present in the ceremony as the chief guest along with other delegates. Dr. Arfah Salleh - Dean of The Graduate School of Management (GSM), University Putra Malaysia (UPM) inaugurate the program.
The participants of the 3rd batch of the programmme "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadres of Bangladesh" visited Malaysian Agricultural Resea-rch and Deve-lopment Institute (MARDI) on the 30th April 2012. Dato' Dr. Hj. Masri Muhamad - Deputy Director General of MARDI, Professor Dato' Dr. Zulkifli Idris - University Putra Malaysia (UPM), and Mr. Md. Feroz Abu Naser - Program Director of SGCD for Esycs-Quantum Beez were present in the occation.
The Opening cere-mony for the 4th and the 5th batches of the training program "Strength-ening Government through Capacity Development of the BCS Cadre officers of Bangladesh" took place at UPM on the 4th June 2012. Dr Fong, the deputy dean of Graduate School of Management (GSM), inaugurated the ceremony.
Dr Azman Ferdous, CEO of Quantum Beez, Mr. Feroz Abu Naser, CEO of Easycs Training, and the participants of both batches were present in the ceremony.
The opening cere-mony for the 6th and the 7th batches of the training program "Strengthening Go-vernment through Capacity Develop-ment of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 18th June, 2012. Dr. Arfah Salleh - Dean of The Graduate School of Management (UPM) inaugurated the ceremony.
Professor Datuk Dr John, the program coordinator for UPM , Mr. Feroz Abu Naser, CEO of Easycs Training, and the participants of both batches were present in the ceremony.
The participants of the 6th and the 7th batches of the programmme "SGCD" visited The Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), a Malaysian govt agency that was founded to handle the resettlement of rural poor into newly developed areas and to organise smallholder farms growing cash crops. Affter the meeting with the officials of FELDA participants were taken to visit a palm oil refinery in Trola to show how palm oils were actually processed from seed to packaging.