January 30, 2012


The steering committee consisting of 4 senior Bangladesh Government officials visited Easycs Training from the 30th January, 2012 to 2nd February 2012 to inspect the preparation of the upcoming program "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh. During their visit the group met Easycs training team members and also visited the University Putra Malaysia (UPM). A month-long training program for the first batch has been scheduled to be commenced from the 5th March 2012.

March 05, 2012


The inaugaration ceremony of the training "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 5th March, 2012. YBhg. Dato' Ir. Dr. Radin Umar Radin Sohadi - Vice Chancellor of UPM inaugurate the program. Mr. Abdus Sobhan Sikder (Senior Secretary of the Government of Bangladesh), A.K.M. Atiqur Rahman (High Commissioner of the People's Republic of Bangladesh), Prof. Dr. Arfah Salleh (Dean of The Graduate School of Management) were also present at the occasion.

March 12, 2012


The opening ceremony for the 2nd batch of the training program "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development (SGCD)" of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 12th March, 2012. Dr. Arfah Salleh - Dean of The Graduate School of Management (GSM), University Putra Malaysia (UPM), inaugurated the training program. Professor Datuk Dr. John Xevier (lecturer cum coordinator of the program) was present together with participants, officials of Easycs Training, and UPM faculty members.

April 18, 2012


Easycs Sdn Bhd has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with AKR Technology Bangladesh to collaborate in the fields of software solutions and training. Mr. Feroz Abu Naser, CEO of Easycs Sdn Bhd and Mr Ayub Hossain Uzzal, CEO of AKR Technology signed the MOU. The memorandum was signed on the 18th April 2012 at De Palma Hotel Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

April 23, 2012


The opening ceremony for the 3rd batch of the training "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 23rd April, 2012.
Mr. Masud Ahmed - Member, SEI Devision, Planning Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh was present in the ceremony along with Mr. Subir Kishore Chowdhury and UPM Faculty members.

June 04, 2012


The Opening Ceremony for the 4th and the 5th batches of the training program "Strength-ening Government through Capacity Development" of the BCS Cadre officers of Bangladesh took place at UPM on the 4th June 2012. Dr Fong, the deputy dean of Graduate School of Management (GSM), inaugurated the ceremony. Participants of the both batches were present in the ceremony.

June 18, 2012


The Opening Ceremony for the 6th and the 7th batch of the training program "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh held at the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) on the 18th June, 2012.
Dr. Arfah Salleh, dean of The Graduate School of Management (UPM) inaugurated the ceremony. Mr. Monoj Kumar Roy (Additional Secretary) and Mr. Md. Munsur Ali Sikder (additional Secretary) group leaders for both group were present.

June 29, 2012


The Closing Ceremony of the batch-7 of the training program "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh took place at UPM on the 29th June 2012. Professor Dr Arfah Salleh, dean of the Graduate School of Management were present to distribute certificates among the participants. There was also memento exchange event between group leader and the dean of the faculty. The program was officially concluded after a photo session.

December 05, 2012


On December 05, 2012, a 4 member group from the steering committee of the project "Strengthening Government through Capacity Development" of the BCS Cadre Officials of Bangladesh visited Easycs and the University Putra Malaysia (UPM) to discuss the continuation of the project for 2013. Mr. Md Nazmul Islam, Additional Secretary (Ministry of Public Administration), Mr. Md Moyeen Uddin (Joint Secretary Cabinet Division), and Mr. WSM Wadudur Rahman (Assistant Chief) were in the committee.